Mouse Catch and Release Plan, or So I Thought

I still have a mouse. As I said, I think it’s just the one, who was caught in my apartment on the day I blocked all the openings. He’s been around a few weeks, and we almost have a routine. He hides by the stove, and every night when I turn it on he runs across the counter and behind some books to wait until everything—the temperature—goes back to normal.

He’s so used to me he sat on top of one of my books last night and started to clean himself while I watched. So, of course I love him. This morning I ordered the no kill Vensmile Humane Smart Mouse Trap (pictured below). If it works I plan to release him by the river by some trees. Except, maybe by some garbage cans would be better?

Damnit. I just learned that if you release them in an unfamiliar area they will die. Maybe I should buy a cage for him and adopt him? It’s more humane than leaving him somewhere to die. Poor thing. I don’t know what to do. It must be lonely. I just read that they’re very social, but I can’t just buy him a friend. You have to get mice who have already been together, they said.

Okay, now I’ve read it’s bad idea to keep a wild mouse for about a million reasons. I wish I could figure out how he got in so I could try to release him back to where he came from. Maybe I could leave him on the roof and he could find a way back in? Except they don’t do well in the cold. Ugh. No great solutions. I’m sorry little mouse.

Stacy Horn

I've written six non-fiction books, the most recent is Damnation Island: Poor, Sick, Mad, and Criminal in 19th-Century New York.

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7 thoughts on “Mouse Catch and Release Plan, or So I Thought

  1. Oh dear. I would think releasing a mouse into a park would be fine, even in winter. There are tons of hidey holes for them and I am sure they could find food near the garbage bins. How do those people know it means death and are they really that social? I suspect wishful thinking and not scientific research. You really cannot live with this creature in your space so when you catch it, put it outside where it belongs and don’t worry about it.

  2. You have a rat. They are smarter and friendlier than mice. Rats can be excellent pets, but this one is feral. It won’t like being in a cage, but they are trainable. You are a hopeless/hopeful animal lover. I love you for that (and much more). Let’s hope there is only one. And once you trap it, you will have to bring it to the vet (J. Hayse misspelled no doubt, please verify). If you are going to keep it?

  3. Rats are much more resilient than mice. If you are going to release it, I’d go with garbage pails near a very nice restaurant, where you never eat.

  4. Maybe you are over thinking it. I carry out spiders and beetles and geckos that get in the house, so I understand your sympathy for Mickey Mouse. I’m sure he knows the area, so I vote for letting him out on the roof at night.

  5. On the website I linked to above, they have a 12 part quiz on telling mice from rats and I just scored 12/12 so I know my rodents.

  6. Haha. Yeah, with all due respect to Chris I think it’s a mouse too. It looks exactly like the picture of the little guy in the trap.

    The traps arrive today. Rebecca I agree, and if I catch him I will release him on the roof.

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