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The Perfect Fit

It's not easy to find the perfect assistant. But Editor Keith has gotten lucky again.

By Keith Kahla
General Editor, Stonewall Inn Editions

On the rare occasion when a job opens up at Stonewall Inn Editions, we take very special care to try and find that "perfect" person for the position. With the impending departure of Mikel Wadewitz (now at Frontiers magazine in Los Angeles), I began the long and awful process of evaluating resumes, interviewing, and trying to judge who among the many applicants would have the right mix of talents and qualities for our undeniably eclectic office.

Editorial Assistant Teresa Theophano

Even though there were many qualified applicants, from almost the very beginning of our interview, it was clear to me that Teresa Theophano was the person I was looking for. Long active in various parts of the community, Teresa has the depth of knowledge of, and interest in, lesbian and gay writing that makes her an uncommon asset for Stonewall Inn. Not to mention her good humor, amazing skills, and her ability to put up with me.

So please join me in (belatedly, at this point) welcoming our new Editorial Assistant to Stonewall Inn, where all of us (me, in particular) hope she'll be with us for many years to come. Drop her a note and tell her you're glad she's here.

Coming up very shortly is Outwrite -- the first and largest of the now many gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender writing conferences. Outwrite is always a major even in the community -- a chance for writers, editors, journalists, and others from all around the country to get together and for a weekend debate, learn, and take the temperature of state of queer writing. This year it will be held February 25-28 in Boston. Hopefully, many of you will be in attendance -- both Teresa and I will. For those of you interested in learning more about it, check out their web page at http://www.bsef.org.

Until next time ...

Keith Kahla is the senior editor who calls the shots at Stonewall Inn.


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