The Chef, Windows C version (© 2001 Joe Rosen)

Reduced size (66% of original) screen capture of The Chef animation.   Picture of computer running The Chef app (inset shows the replica Ravioli Can).


The Chef is an interactive portrait of Hector Boyardee, the man who invented the tasty canned pasta that bears his famous name.

Chef Boyardee appears on-screen in a hand-drawn and life-like "squiggle effect" animation. His eyes periodically blink and his gaze moves from left to right.

Shaking the replica ravioli can(1) causes the Chef's mouth to open and one of his delicious pasta pockets to emerge. The mouthwatering ravioli gently floats around the screen until disappearing from view.


This version of The Chef is a Windows application, and not a Java applet (click here for the Java version). It runs on Windows (95/98/Me) computers only (it will not run on Windows NT/00).

Click here to download the zip archive (217K).

After downloading and unzipping(2), simply run the "chef.exe" application. To quit The Chef application click the left mouse button or hit any key.

(1) If you don't have a replica ravioli can connected to your computer you can still launch a pasta pocket from the Chef's mouth by clicking the right mouse button.
(2) If the Chef images are not appearing the problem is likely with the way the directory structure and files unzipped. Click here to see the correct directory and file tree for the "chef.exe" application and supporting files.

Ravioli Can Input Device:

(closeup picture of assembled can, with 25 pin connector)

To fully enjoy The Chef you'll want to connect a replica ravioli can input device to your computer's parallel port.

Click here for instructions on creating your own ravioli can.

Click here for information on how to purchase a ready made ravioli can direct from Electromics <tm>.

[source code (Windows C)] [Electromics <tm>]