Come in. Make yourself at home. Do what you usually do in a stranger's apartment.

Scan the bookshelf to see if I've got half a brain. Flip thru the tapes and CDs to see if I've got an ounce of taste. Look thru my video collection -- to see if they're crap or classics.
Knock yourself out! Make value judgments galore!

Feeling familial? Visit the family page. Meet Mark and Margaret. Meet the Segall and Tobin families. Find out if I know anybody famous. Or delve into my checquered career. Join me in reliving my dumbest, most horrible jobs. Pull up my current corporate graphics resume or read about my interest in -- howja guess? HTML design and animation for CD-ROM.

Conceived: December 7, 1995, a day that will live in infamy. Last revised: March 10, 1996.
© 1996 Mark Segall for Thinking Cap Productions
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