the wee hours
the low-down

Fish in the Jailhouse

"all our dreams comes true, baby, up ahead"
You'll never understand how it's happening -- even if you watch closely: somehow, amid the clang, steam, and severe entropy of the Dead Battery Farm kitchens, Chef Bruce and Chef Sefton conjure another amazing meal. So take one last turn at the spit for good luck, and grab a plate as daylight fades away,
Tip your waiter: Small Change

Heart of Saturday Night 7:00 PM

Slowly, the headlamp footlights take hold in the gloaming, as your MC finds the spotlight, bullhorn and trouble light in hand. First, we'd like to offer a heartfelt thanks to all the TW hosts, and to everyone who actually got here and made the festival happen. Then, in the unconditional spririt of TW step right up to the stage and share a story. The theme this year - "she left me on trash day" -- your stories of love turned to leftover, mixed in with hard-luck travel stories of getting to TW. Bonus points for car fires, bus travel, or romance run aground by going to TW in the first place.
Then, it's time for Match Game TW!! Just like on the seventies TV game show, a panel of wisecracking past-their-prime "celebrities" will attempt to match wits with contestants by filling in the blanks in such phrases as, "I knew I was at TW when a ____ landed in my drink."

Straight to the Top! 8:00pm

"I don't care who I have to step on on my way down"
Unlike Carnegie Hall, or even CBGBs, there's only one night a year to play the Dead Battery Farm stage. The obstacles are many, so the acts on the bill may or may not make it, and there's always room for the unbilled. So let's give a warm welcome to all the bands that that made it up here tonight, and managed to keep their bass players sober for the first 14 hours of the party. In no particular order, we've got Mudflap from downstate, Mealymouth from upstate, and possibly Skeleton Key from who knows where. David Francis will certainly be here, singing for you in Spanish! The Fighting McKenzies should also be rolling in, and possibly those darlings of TW10, the Hungry Marching Band -- remembered for their great performance and bowling-alley striptease... And then, if everything works out, Hevy Floe will return to the stage where they played their first gig. Between sets, don't meander away -- it's radio theatre, as Diane and Buddha haul audience members out to stage old radio scripts.

Railroad Bonfire all nite

Huddle around the oil drum as the first match is tossed. Then, drop by all night long to roast marshmallows, swap stories, and add thoughtful advice to the TW Journal. Pass bottle around and wonder: what turns campfire girls into bonfire women?

Martini hour! 11:00pm

You might be 'innocent when you dream,' but hardly innocent when you're dressed. Take shelter from sudden noir wind that's sweeping through Poughkeepsie by dropping into the Flamingo Lounge. There you find a lot of hard-bitten characters, but at least they're all wearing suits, and the ladies are dressed to kill. Bartenders Jack and JoeyX bring you International Undercover Hour, where everything is crooked except the martinis, which are movingly neat and true. Practice keeping a low profile with limbo dancing to the strains of Perez Prado, or try to learn the house favorite "pinchy dance." Formalwear - please!!
Foghorn: Swordfishtrombones

(It's] Mystery Hour... ?midnite

Suddenly, the bells flash, the lights clang, and forever more it's mystery hour! There's a blur drizzle down the plateglass, and your hosts swear everything is under control even though it's obviously not. Ignore the panic and be dazzled by heavy rhinos, sky monkeys, and tractor blooms...