charlene mcbride | information architecture and design

We Have More Than One Product!

Cuervo's entire heritage is wrapped around tequila which is very clear when you view the web site. However, it was easy to get the impression that they had only one tequila product, Especial (aka Gold).

The goal with the site restructure was to create a system that would not only allow the other products to be appreciated at a higher level, but also would be flexible for the addition of new products in the future (at least 2 since the initial documentation for this project was completed).

Recipes were also given a higher level of prominence and expanded to be included with every product because they are among the most frequently visited pages of the site. Also a system was created to handle promotional messaging and give the "Heritage" section a certain amount of prominence since it was extremely important to the company and family. However, it was handled in a way so as not to be intrusive for users who might not find such content relevant to their experience.

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