charlene mcbride | information architecture and design

Pennsylvania Workforce

Refocusing on the Customer

The original Pennsylvania Workforce web site suffered a major shortcoming: It really functioned as an intranet for state employees and did not serve the actual customers of the services it offered. Almost all of the documents and information on the site related to the work that the employees did and the information that they communicated to each other. At the same time the site was neither easy to use nor nice to look at.

The goal for this project was to create a new site that focused on their customers-job seekers, students and businesses primarily and provided links to all of the relevant resources provided by the state of Pennsylvania. The workforce employee information is still on the site, but now lives in a section specifically for that audience in a much easier to navigate format.

Overall the site was transformed from a home made, organically grown tangle, to a professional and useful site on par with that of other states.

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copyright 2006 c.mcbride