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And so it came to pass that the Third Edition of Iron Chef once again broke like the wind upon an unsuspecting Waitstock. The mystery ingredient washing into the ship's galley this year? Seaweed, natch.


This year, Chef Bruce graciously stepped aside from the competiton. In fact, he stepped aside from the Dead Battery Farm entirely, owing to conflicts with his very chefy schedule. So, the challengers this year faced the winners of last year - Team Ellen (which included not one, but TWO Ellens).

One of the Ellens of Team Ellen presented her team's fair before the judges.

The judges were conflicted, confused, very drunk, and angry about the ass-level of bribery that drove in on an asscar from assland. Still, they liked the food very much, and gave the trophy to the challengers. Note to Team Ellen: add a pinch less ass to your recipe for bribery next year.

Meantime, night was falling, and the scary spirits of the Dead Battery Woods haunted the rain-drenched corpses of feeble tents.

But Molly excorcised the woods of their ill-tempered spirits with a hearty "arrrr."

Scary night means one thing to most TW denizens: dinner. And Sefton's chicken, ribs and greens rocked everyone's world.