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Owing to a pestilential downpour, some of the events this year were trunchated, then defenestrated. Sadly, this meant Gondoleer Joey X would not sing his way into the hearts of anyone who ever dreamed of an enchanting boat ride across the Dead Battery Pond.

Still, there was Puppet Making.


While TJ took stock of the situation...

Raya and Caius consumed the fine stock of excellent beers Chef Sefton procurred.

Meanwhile, Erik's puppet-making seminar rolled like a tsunami through TW, inspiring future puppeteers of America. There is no question they can kick the shit out of 4H.

Puppets make people happy!

Unfortunately, I didn't get any shots of the final works as they hung in the Gallery, much less the 3-act puppet show written and directed by Erik. Trust me, they were great, and I was lit.

Of course, afternoon is a good time to punch out for well-deserved horizontal.

By midafternoon, there were no ouchies. And TW Flight Surgeon / Ship's Doctor Nicole reported no serious injuries by the end of the party.