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Say what you will about carnivals of evil. They'll beat the shit out of you for it. But go ahead, anyway.

What goes better with liquor than guns? With two great tastes that go great together, Buddha prepares a full-auto BB assault on the shooting gallery targets.

While Mo and Erik prepare the Knife Throwing booth for all sorts of mishaps.

Nope. Chainsaws weren't allowed. Maybe next time.

Of all the freaks in all the cities in all the world, the incredibly lovely Jessica personned the TW oddities booth.

Jordan managed to drive in from a week of gun-toting, bird-eating mayhem in Maine, and was greeted by the sailor's sailor, Host Dana.

And while the party began its none-to-gentle slide down the muddy slope of dissipation, gluttony and profligacy, at least Anna provided a veneer of decency.