Sight for Sore Eyes

By showing up at TW 9 you've managed to prove wrong the relatives who said you'd never do anything constructive. Keep up the good work by joining in for traditional crack-of-dawn toast to Tom Waits. Marvel that you lived long enough to see Tom release an album and tour again - and that Sean and Ted finally broke out the good stuff. It's also the most nostalgic moment of the festival: Johnny Haze slips on Closing Time as you circle the coffeepot, elbowing any 24hr friends that getin your way. We promise the coffee'll be black as hell, strong as death and as sweet as love. WTW9-FM All Day... Like the rest of us, you've probably noticed you never hear TW on the radio.

"The House where Nobody Lives" Breakfast 7:00am

It's the kind of meal that makes you realize you've really gotten away. Enjoy the friendliest breakfast of the year with some leap pipe coffee and "Heuvos ranchhouse" - a mexican meal that's safe for the suburbs. The chorizo and tortillas'll remind you of Tijuna, while the Bloody Marys are the best you've had since jail. Renew 24hr acquaintences and for Christ's sake make some new ones, and experience the get-rich-quick power of a TW festival breakfast. On the dial: Frank's Wild Years Well, we've fixed that. Buddha, tired of toying with local cops and department store security guards, is taking on the Feds. He's providing TW9 with its own pirate FM radio station! We throw the switch on TW9 FM and blast enough signal to get picked up on the neighbor's TV. So bring a little transistor with you and tune in. Now, you can have the festival with you whether you're making out in the back seat of your friend's truck or drinking in the Flamingo Lounge.

Wrong side of the road. 8:00am

A lot of you want to know what it's like to grow up as an upstate juvenile deliquent. Well, we can't race snowmobiles across the creek in August for bottles of Jack Daniels, but we can stir up trailer-park excitement with a little Belt Sander Racing. The track's not exactly regulation - but who cares? All you need is a little "drag-strip courge" and the fastest belt sander you can find.
On the Air: TW Songs about Driving

You can drive it away today! 9:00am

if you don't need it you came to the right place. It's another crack-of-brunch garage sale, this time run by Andy Hartman, who's been sharpening his suckerpunch skills on ebay. So bring along some "knicknacks and wisecracks" to peddle. Hell, it's the only party I know where you can make a buck - and if you're lucky bring home a curio from Bob's. Once again, the local papers are buzzing with talk of a "first garage sale in 30 years," so the crowd should be good. Some of you true fans are probably getting impatient, wondering when we're going to break out the bootlegs. Just in time, you hear TW's SXSW '99 show spilling over the transistors, plus rare interviews...and a morning matinee of Coffee & Cigarettes

shiver my timbers - i'm sailin' away 10:00am

I don't know if Tom read about those homeless guys who made a raft out of trash and sailed it from Brooklyn to Amsterdam without killing themselves - but I'm sure he would've liked the effort. So in that spirit, join Mandy and Kevin (fresh from touring with the Melvins) for some trashbarge racing on the pond -- the romance of the sea plus beercan buoys. Build one before you come, or on the spur of the moment -- anything's legal in the "taking on water divison" -- just don't drink from the Dead Battery farm pond!

A Swig 'o Tom: It's the latest in Dana's series of educational TW compliations. If you've moved beyond the "beginning Tom," and consider Black Rider a good album for your parents, then you're ready for the hard stuff. Sure, it burns on the way down, but a couple listens'll give you a warm glow.

What else is new? 11:00am

Wandering the dial, you tune in something that sounds like a Prarie Home Companion taken over by street hustlers. It's the first and last "I Never Talk to Strangers" radio show, including interviews with long-lost 24hr friends, festivalgoers, and whoever else might call in. So step up, call up, or show up and share your hard luck stories and "nighthawk postcards" of '99 - as long as it's in the unconditional spirit of Tom Waits!

Meanwhile, time for Jen's arts-n-crafts: It's never too early to celebrate the mexican "El Dia de Los Muertos." Honor the dead, or just your own twisted past with mask making and block printing (potatoes and color inks). Or, use those feathers, glitter, and tractor parts to get a head start on a Martini Hour mask. TW9-FM talk line: (914) 266-3869.

TW: MEXICAN CARNIVAL -- "I remember when I was ten years old and I went to a Mexican carnival in San Vicente. I saw a woman with a tail, fourteen inches long, covered with hair. It was real. She let me squeeze it, and she smiled at me with a rotting grin. The accordion was ear-bleeding loud with yellow-teeth polkas, and I ate nothing but churros all night until the fair was just a smear of light. With sugar around my mouth, my head spinning and my ears ringing, we rode back to the ranch in a pickup truck loaded with thirty kids, pitch dark, everyone shouting in Spanish."