Mystery Hour!! 12:00AM
Like the Gideon bible chasing you from motel room to motel room, Mystery hour has found you once again. As the bells sound and lights flash, you get the same eerie tingle that comes from having exact change or a run of green lights. Brought to you by Tom and JoeyX - the man who put the "X" in JoeyX. Trust me, this is one event you don't want to miss!
(enjoy the mexican folktales full of twisted magic pasted up in the far reaches of the Flamingo Lounge)
La Camera Prohibida: Night on Earth

Emotional Weather Report 1:00am
After 20 hours of the festival, you can no longer remember how to spend an hour without a scheduled event. Well, grab a barstool and let it all out during drink with your hosts hour. Yes, we'll all be there in the bar, with sympathetic shoulders and top-shelf liquors put at your disposal.

Behind the bar: Foreign Affairs

Why wasn't God watching? 2:00am
Your frustrating attempt to get those way-too-expensive Tom Waits tickets makes life "seem nasty, brutish and short." In the neverending search for answers, you turn to Ted's stash of "angry preacher" videos. If you've still got a tight grip on belief, then check out the 3-card monte game getting started, or the late-nite pair bowling finishing up.

Through the Ether:

Heartattack & Vine

A little Vinyl place... 3:00am
There's a sloe-gin drizzle running down the plateglass, and an optional change of outfits. That's right, it's The Vinyl Hour show on WTW9-FM, brought to you from the main stage. Savor the crackle and hiss of the needle jumping in the groove, and the music that finally sounds right. We'll play a choice selection of Tom Waits vinyl, plus some of the strangest albums ever, including Sean's "surgery album." Tuck something under yer arm and bring it along.

dirt is my rug

According to the survivors, by the 23rd hour, the bodies were scattered everywhere. Couches, tents, floors. Comparisons were made to Jonestown, to Waco, but in the end, people would know of TW 9 as a madness all its own." (apologies to Morgan)

Late-nite seranade:A Nickel's Worth of Dreams

"Ain't no good thing ever dies... I'm gonna take it with me when I go" 6:00am

Join John Neilson on the front porch and toss howdies at strangers, then shovel some pixie dust into the trunk of your Monte Carlo and grab one, last, lingering refill from the giant coffee machine. Savor the lonely romance of tire tracks in the mud, the sound of a far-off train whistle, and the new tattoo thet'll remind you of TW9 long after you catch up on your sleep. Make sure to leave something behind for next year, grab a St. Christopher's from the jar by the door, and we'll be seein' you around.
Fading Out: Closing Time.