Sex and


  • Chapter One
  • Chapter Two
  • Chapter Two (cont)
  • Chapter Three
    An Interview with the Author

    Letter From the Editor

    Editorial: Having Our Say

    New Releases

    Authors On Tour



    Gay/Lesbian/Feminist Bookstores Around the Country

    The Mostly Unfabulous Homepage of Ethan Green


    Mark Richard Zubro Q&A with Mark Richard Zubro
    An Interview with the Celebrated Mystery Novelist


    Q. You write two different mystery series. What is that like?

    A. Alternating writing them every other year keeps them fresh in my mind. I enjoy writing both series. Each has things with unique appeal for me. The simplest is that the

    Tom and Scott series is in the first person and the Paul Turner series is in the third. Switching authorial point of view is an exciting challenge.

    Q. What kind of research do you do for your books.

    A. Different books require different amounts of research. I am continually reading books and articles on police actions and procedures for the Paul Turner series. I talk to real police officers as often as I can. My most current example of research is for the book I am working on now. I have had to read a voluminous amount on the rock/pop music scene.

    Q. Who are your favorite writers and fictional characters and which of them, if any, inspired your own writing.

    A. Favorite writers: Robert B. Parker, Jonathan Kellerman, J.R.R. Tolkien, Walter R. Brooks. My inspiration came from Freddy the pig and Sherlock Holmes two fictional characters, one far better known than the other, but each equally valuable. I read the Freddy the pig series as a child. He was a writer, and I thought that would be a cool thing to be. The Sherlock Holmes series hooked me on mysteries from the time I was eleven.

    Q. When do you write?

    A. I do most of my work after ten o'clock at night. Until eleven or twelve during the school year and until two or three in the morning during vacations. When revising I might spend ten to twelve hours a day.

    Q. Which one of your own books is your favorite? Why?

    A. Favorite book of mine: My first book, A Simple Suburban Murder, remains closest to my heart.It was the first published and I'm very fond of it.I'm always most enthused about the book I am working on.

    Q. What advice would you give to new writers?

    A. 1. Read voraciously, especially the kind of things you want to write.

    2. Sit down and write.Very boring, very old-fashioned, yes, it takes discipline.Wish it didn't.It does.Don't wait for inspiration.Go write.You can take classes and attend seminars, but I believe the doing of writing is the best teacher of writing.


    Copyright © 2001 Mark Richard Zubro.

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