Consciousness and the Source of Reality

I wanted to quickly post about a new book by Robert Jahn and Brenda Dunne called Consciousness and the Source of Reality. From Dean Radin, author of The Conscious Universe and Entangled Minds:

“Princeton University’s PEAR Lab, definitively documented in Jahn and Dunne’s masterful book, has consistently challenged one of science’s most stubbornly held assumptions—that objective reality is completely independent of consciousness. Their experimental evidence is persuasive, tantalizing, and ultimately staggering in its implications. Orthodox thinkers will protest, but the scientific revolution is charging ahead and this book blazes the trail.”

Also, if you’re going to be in Virginia on June 10, Carlos Alvarado is giving a lecture that night from 7-9pm at Atlantic University titled: The Spirit in Out-of-Body Experiences. The address for Atlantic University is 215 67th Street, Virginia Beach. It’s $25 in advance or $35 at the door. To register call (757) 428-3588, or email

Forgotten Sorrows

These pictures are from a March 28, 1956 New York Journal-American article titled Mysteries of the Mind. The caption for this picture to the left reads:

VICTIM … Here is a portrait of Irene Lee, 6, who dreamed that she was being run down by a truck. Several days later the child was struck and killed.

Next to that picture was this one of her parents.

This caption reads:

PARENTS BLAMED FATE … Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lee of Miami, kneel beside the grave of their daughter, Irene, 6, who was the victim of an auto accident in November, 1938.

And that’s it. There’s isn’t another word about Irene or her family. It isn’t clear if the picture of her parents is from 1938 or 1956. They’re probably long gone. I wonder if they had any other children.

Another child is mentioned in the article, Ilga Kirps, “a 12-year-old shepherdess, who lived with her mother and young brother and sister in Ilzene, Latvia, in the 1930’s … A feeble-minded child, she was unable to read a book, but was supposed to be able to read other people’s minds. So fantastic were her telepathic powers, that Prof. Ferdinand von Neureiter, noted European psychologist, put her through stiff tests, which, he decided, eliminated all possibilities of fraud.”

I don’t know why I even mention any of this. A child has a bad dream, is tragically killed, and for the rest of their lives her parents somehow think destiny was against them. Or the Journal-American exaggerated.

I was just talking about this today, though. Losing a child is something many people never recover from. Some people are destroyed a little, some a lot, no one is ever the same. I think that’s why when I was going through some of the papers I copied while at Duke University, deciding which to post about, this one stood out. I hope they had other children. I hope they were able to recover some happiness out of life.