A New Online Course: Signs of Reincarnation

From the course description:

“Signs of Reincarnation is a 15-week online seminar course offered through The Alvarado Zingrone Institute for Research and Education. The course is an interdisciplinary offering that draws on anthropology, consciousness studies, and psychical research, among other fields. It is designed as a graduate-level course to introduce enrollees to academic research on reincarnation (chiefly by Ian Stevenson and his colleagues) and presupposes some acquaintance with academic argument and the scientific method.”

The course is being taught by James G. Matlock, M.L.S., Ph.D. Matlock is an historical researcher associated with the Rhine Research Center in Durham, North Carolina. He wrote the reincarnation chapter for Advances in Parapsychological Research and recently finished a textbook on reincarnation which will be used for this course.

Matlock is one of the most thorough and meticulous researchers I’ve met, and this course is a wonderful opportunity to learn from him and benefit from his years of exploration, and all without leaving your house! For more information, including a link to the complete syllabus, click here. Students at Saybrook University can take this class for credit. Members of the Rhine Research Center, Society for Psychical Research and Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness get 10% off registration!

The Congress for Curious People and Other Things

I wish I had posted about the Congress for Curious People sooner because some great people are involved, like Shannon Taggart from the Observatory in Brooklyn and researcher and writer George Hansen. It’s co-produced by Morbid Anatomy and Coney Island USA.

The full schedule is here, but for the paranormally inclined, there’s a panel tomorrow at 1:30 (which is part of an all day symposium of interesting panels) called Pop, The Paranormal and Other Myths We Live: Contemplating the Liminal.

And Couple of Cool Videos to Watch!

The Haunted Bay-SF Barbary Coast: Walk with a Medium.
The Haunted Bay: The Paranormal Side of San Francisco (Ep. 4)- Interview with a Medium (an earlier walk with the same medium, June Ahern).