A New Blog and a New Book
Carlos S. Alvarado, PhD, and visiting scholar at the Rhine Research Center, has a new blog called Parapsychology: News, History, Research. I love the sections he has: Education, Recent Publications, and Voices from the Past. His initial posts are about Larry Dossey and the lack of familiarity with the literature of parapsychology among people in the field (and like fields), B. J. Williams’s book Extrasensory Perception and the Brain Hemispheres: Where Does the Issue Stand Now?, and French physician Gustave Geley and ectoplasm,
And Anomalist Books has a new book out about parapsychology researchers called Men and Women of Parapsychology, Volume 2, edited by Rosemarie Pilkington. From their website: “In this second volume of personal reflections by Men and Women of Parapsychology, Rosemarie Pilkington has asked some brilliant, talented people who have spent most of their lives exploring the mysteries of consciousness why they entered the realm of parapsychology, why they persisted in investigating it even though they might be ridiculed or ostracized by many mainstream scientists, and what advice they have for young people entering the field.”