In the paperback version of my book, in a “P.S.” section at the back, I briefly tell the story of my one and only personal experience with the unexplained.
“When I was six or seven, I had wandered off from home and lost my way. I wasn’t afraid. I was always drifting off to explore and getting lost, but I always managed to find my way home. This time I passed by an elderly woman in her yard with a bunch of cats. I love cats and I asked if it was alright if I pet them. She said of course, and after a few minutes she very kindly invited me inside for milk and cookies. When I was done she walked me home. Turns out I was only a few blocks away from my house. My mother punished me for straying too far and that was that.”
“A year later I decided to go back and visit the lady and her cats. But when I got to the house the whole place was in complete disrepair. The roof was partially caved in and the front yard was wild and overgrown. I stood there trying to understand what I was seeing. I knew even at that young age that this was a lot of damage, and that the place had been neglected for a long time. I also knew this meant that something was off about my visit with the lady. So I just stood there, completely flummoxed …”
The rest is in the book! I was out on Long Island recently and I took a picture of the house. I’d written to the current residents while I was working on the book to find out if they ever had any weird experiences there, but they didn’t respond.
Could you tell the location of the home in which this took place? I have two “weird” stories which took place in 1972 in East Islip.
Not East Islip, but please tell us your stories!