I went to a presentation Susan MacWilliam gave for the Parapsychology Foundation and I was very impressed, I love her work. I browsed her website one day and the work there was evocative, thoughtful and visually arresting. From the press release about her new book:
“For over 10 years MacWilliam has been making video and installation works based on cases of the parapsychological, the paranormal and the perceptual.
“She has made works about a range of subjects and individuals including the materialisation medium Helen Duncan, the Belfast table tilting medium Kathleen Goligher and the Dermo Optical perception of Rosa Kuleshova …
“She has worked with such notorieties as Dr William G Roll, Dr Stanley Krippner, Rex Stanford and Madame Yvonne Duplessis. Since 2006 she has worked closely with the Parapsychology Foundation, New York and Eileen and Lisette Coly – daughter and granddaughter of the celebrated and influential Irish medium Eileen J Garrett.
“In 2008 Susan spent a month in Winnipeg where she researched the TG Hamilton Spirit Photograph Collection housed at the University of Manitoba Archives. Susan’s works provide a historical visual record and interpretation of particular cases within the history of parapsychology – her expansive body of work mediates between the worlds of art and psychical research.”
I’m jealous about the month she spent going through the TG Hamilton Spirit Photograph Collection!
You can purchase her book from Black Dog Publishing or from Amazon.
UPDATE FROM THE PUBLISHER: We’d be happy to offer your readers a 40% discount on all orders of the book – all they have to do is email jess@blackdogonline.com or call +44 (0) 207-713-5097 quoting “Stacy Horn”.