
I only just heard about this book Fringe-ology a few minutes ago, but the first review by David Pitt at Booklist is promising!

“In the spectrum of paranormal literature, with rigid skepticism at one end and jaw-dropping gullibility at the other, this book occupies a space squarely in the middle. Volk explores the way paranormal phenomena have been reported, investigated, and categorized. He includes numerous personal accounts, including one from his own life, but isn’t really focused on personal stories or even whether paranormal phenomena exist. He is interested in the interpretation of the word paranormal—the meanings attached to it and the way perception of the word colors how we view the world. Arguing that paranormal phenomena, genuine or not, should be openly discussed and analyzed, he proposes adopting a what-if attitude. For example, if some ghost sightings can’t be explained away as products of a person’s imagination, what does this say about the natural world? He points out perceptively that “what is seen today as wacky often leads to tomorrow’s progress,” citing the importance of the study of alchemy to the science of chemistry, A sharply written, intelligently argued book that should appeal equally to believers and skeptics.”

The author is a longtime reporter out of Philadelphia, and his website is here. Oh, and I see he’s doing a reading in New York, on July 13, 7 pm, at Barnes and Noble, the one at 97 Warren Street. Good luck, Steve! Your book sounds great!

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