On Saturday, October 25th, there will be a dinner and a screening of Muggins: The Memoirs of Sally Rhine Feather, to benefit the Rhine Research Center. This is a “documentary that consists of personal interviews and reflections of Dr. Sally Rhine Feather, the Executive Director Emeritus of the Rhine and daughter of J.B. and Louisa Rhine who were instrumental in securing an academic presence for the scientific field of parapsychology. This film is a fascinating, illuminating, and fun-filled glimpse into the personal life of the Rhine family through to the creation of what is now the Rhine Research Center.”
For more information and to register, click here.
A couple of early photographs of Sally Rhine Feather. That’s Sally at the lower right, and the late Dr. Elizabeth McMahan (aka BettyMac) on the left.
This is a picture of all the Rhine children in 1935.