Okay, I’m plugging my own event. It’s on June 28, at 3:00 pm and I’ll be giving a presentation about my book and the Duke Parapsychology Laboratory at:
Polaris North Theatre
245 West 29th St, 4th Floor
$15 in advance.
$20 at the door.
Please call 646-373-6868 for more info or go here.
If you went to my book event at the Open Center, this one is going to be very similar. It will be somewhat more in depth, but if you went to that one, don’t go to this one. It will feel too much the same, I think.
But if you didn’t go, by all means you should go to this one if you’re into this subject! I worked hard on the presentation, pulling out some of the best stories and pictures I have, and I found out things even the people who worked there didn’t know.
(That’s me at the Open Center in the picture above.)