Attention: After seven years of operation, I’ve decided to retire this blog. I will no longer be adding posts, except on special occasions. I’m leaving it up because the information and advice in the links and posts are still useful, and I will still respond and answer questions in the comment sections. Thank you for visiting!
I am interested in information about Florence Sutro Anspacher (Mrs. Louis K. Anspacher) who wrote Enigma: A Poetic Mystery. We own a copy of the book, which I believe came out of Duke Parapsychology Lab, having been given the book upon the death of its original owner, Helen Temple Cooke, Headmistress at Dana Hall School, where I am the Archivist. I have looked at the blog post about Mrs. Anspacher and her book, and wonder if you know of any connection she may have had with Florence Sutro (Mrs. Theodore Sutro) a musician and painter, who lived 1865-1906. Also, I had assumed the book came to us (via a used book dealer) because the Duke Parapsychology Lab was no more. Your blog makes me wonder if it still exists and if so, does it still have a library. Many of Helen Temple Cooke’s books were donated there after her death in 1955. Thank you for any information you can offer.
Sincerely, Dorothy DeSimone, Archivist, Dana Hall School, Wellesley, MA
Hello. I don’t know if their is any connection between the two Florence Sutros! Maybe would have the answer? About the second, the Lab is now the Rhine Research Center, and you can contact them here:
They do have a library and I’m sure they can look to see if any of Helen Temple Cooke’s books are still in their possession.