Another Psychic History Mystery

I was exploring the collection of digitized images at the New York Public Library, and I came across this picture of what was called The International School of Psychic Science at 135 West 124th Street. It’s dated 1932.

A quick search of Proquest only turned up a couple of ads. One for an astrologist who’d give a 14 page report for a $1 and another that called it by a slightly different name. It was The International Psychic Science Center, and they had two buildings, 133-135 West 124th, and Thomas R. Hall is listed as the director. “The ideal center for spiritualists, psychics, mediums and occultists” the ad reads. “Noted speakers and messages daily at 8 p.m.”

Just going by this one page of ads in 1932 you’d think everything to do with spiritualism was happening in Harlem.

One thought on “Another Psychic History Mystery

  1. So this was in Harlem? Was Harlem primarily black back then? It got me thinking about how you never really hear about black Spiritualists, even though Spiritualists were often abolitionists.

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