Letters to the Lab

Now and again I think about this one paragraph from an August 30, 1944 letter of J. B. Rhine’s. I wish I could research it more. Apparently Rhine was having some sort of exchange with one of his donors about Thomas Edison. (I posted about Edison and the afterlife here and here.) But it’s not the part about Edison that haunts me. Here is the paragraph:

“I did not make myself clear about Edison. I am satisfied about the facts. There is a man named Fitzgerald in Detroit who is doing something similar. He is a young physicist. He claims to have read Edison’s notes, as well as those of Steinmetz [famous inventor and engineer who worked with Edison] and Tesla [another famous inventor and engineer]. I have only talked with him over the long-distance telephone. He claims to be able to register electric wave transmission given off by the action of a muscle twenty-five feet across the room. He wants to investigate mediums to discover whether they can transmit some physical force which his machine can pick up. I have a friend in Detroit investigating him.”

I wonder what happened to Fitzgerald. I didn’t copy the entire letter, and I’m not sure why I didn’t. I must have been tired. I’m completely ignorant about things like this though — does the body emit electric waves?


[That’s a picture of Tesla that I found while googling.]

5 thoughts on “Letters to the Lab

  1. Living bodies do emit a very weak electric field, muscles in particular. That’s what electrocardiograms are – a measurement of the electrical charge produced by the heart muscle. To remotely register the electrical field of a living body is possible from a distance, I suppose, but the registering device would have to be extraordinarily sensitive to be sure.

  2. Yes the body emits an electro-magnetic resonance which can be measured, if you stand close enough to me that is. Ahem.

  3. Stacy, great Tesla photo. Part of nerve communication is electrical, so the brain and neurons are creating fields. A relatively recent article by scientist M. Persinger found electrical fields to be significant in PSI. Here is a link http://www.skeptiko.com/michael-persinger-discovers-telepathic-link/.

    A couple of us in the RRC’s Remote Viewing group are experimenting with electromagnetic fields and their influence on perceiving PSI info. Fascinating stuff. If you hear about what happened to Fitzgerald and that research, please let us know.

  4. I posted about that interview, it was great!

    And thank you Lance, Earl and Benton for answering my question!

  5. Late to the discussion – but if you ever visit a public aquarium, you must check out the electric eels and electric rays. They use high voltage to shock prey (and anyone unlucky enough to step on one!). Shocking!

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