Welcome to the blog for my new book Unbelievable. I’m just getting things ready, this won’t be an active blog until next year, around February most likely. But how does it look? The picture is of the Alexian Brothers Hospital in St. Louis in 1959. In the book I tell the story of an exorcism that took place there on the top floor, in the psychiatric wing. It was the exorcism that went on the become the bestseller (and scariest movie of all time) The Exorcist. Well, apparently it was based on a real child, a 13 year old boy in Maryland, and it happened in 1949.
Just testing to see how it looks when a comment is added. This is Stacy, talking to myself …
Hi Stacy,
I am the web master for Rhine.org. I think your blog looks great, very professional, but also creative and compelling. I like your logo too and book cover. Sally gave us the link to your blog to view ahead of your book release. It all looks great. I will look forward to reading your book and perhaps hearing you read when you are in Durham.
PS I would like to subscribe to your blog but I did not see a way to do that.
Hey Judith, thank you so much for the compliments!! There’s a “Subscribe” button under my picture, under the “Email me” link. But I should email you in case you don’t see this!
Hi Stacy:
My name is Mike. I have a 32 year old son who appears to be psycic now that he has had severe brain trauma. Three open brain operations when he was 22 and ever since he has incredibly disturbing dreams and can tell people what they are thinking.
What can we do with this, if anything?