Telepathy From DARPA’s Point of View

Previously I posted that while physicist Michio Kaku has written that telepathy is theoretically possible, how Kaku imagines telepathy is very different from how they saw it at the Duke Parapsychology Laboratory.

A few recent articles in WIRED about research into telepathy being conducted at DARPA (The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and elsewhere describe a direction similar to what Kaku described in his book Physics of the Impossible (if I’m remembering what I read correctly).  The main difference is J. B. Rhine and the scientists at the lab thought telepathy was non-physical, and the scientists conducting the research in these articles believe it’s a product of the brain.  I think Rhine would say what they’re looking at is not telepathy but can perhaps mimic it to some extent.  (Just a guess on my part.)

The articles I’m talking about are Pentagon Preps Soldier Telepathy Push, and Darpa: Heat + Energy = Brains. Now Make Us Some.

The picture below is another ESP machine built at the Parapsychology Laboratory.


2 thoughts on “Telepathy From DARPA’s Point of View

  1. Myers thought that telepathy and other forms of ESP were actually the normal modes we would use in the other world.

    He believed that after we die all of these faculties that we study under the auspices of ESP were just the ordinary and normal method of communication and what have you in the after-death state.

    After all, you can’t use them to work a word processor or drive a car, etc., etc. So although they make an appearance and are fascinating to study, they have a limitation in terms of practical application while we are still saddled with the muffler of the physical body and brain.

    So my deduction is that Myers would see the ESP faculties as originating in something like the astral body or some other human propensity that we do not have instruments to establish in the way we do physical elements.

  2. Addendum: You know, these people who want to establish the idea that telepathy originates from the brain may have some bias or agenda.

    As you know, Stacy, the number of people who say that they have had communications from loved ones who have passed over is astronomical.

    And if someone wants to establish that telepathy originates in the brain, then that could go a long way toward denying the possibility that telepathy can exist between the incarnate and discarnate.

    Of course, there could be physiological responses to telepathy even if the origin of the telepathy itself was not primarily physical. After all, people record changes in meditators’ brain waves, galvanic skin resistance, heart rate, all kinds of stuff.

    My view is that a great deal of telepathy goes on between incarnate and discarnate personalities. I’m not indicting this particular group, but I’m familiar with the way physicists will go out to explain to champion baseball players why what they do works. But in the end, the physicists are often simply people who wish they could play the game and want to get in on the act.

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